The Artist, Traveller & Blogger SCHALONDA MOONEy
"I Have No Special Talent. I Am Only Passionately Curious."
It started as a tiny spark of an idea. A seed planted in fertile ground. I’d never heard of graphic design, let alone QuarkXPress or Adobe, before being introduced in the mid ’90s. That’s also when I learned how people used these tools to create incredible visuals and build careers. Can I? How, what’s the first step? What’s next? Fast forward 20+ years and I’m looking back at over 13 years spent as a Graphic Production Artist and Designer, working mostly in desktop publishing.
After so many years in traffic, literally and figuratively, passion seemed to fade, replaced by an ever-increasing agitation and desire for change. Wondering how a dramatic difference in scenery might affect prevailing circumstances, the spark of an idea began to grow. TRAVEL.
This chapter of my life is titled “Midlife Meandering” and it’s an ongoing work in progress. The cardinal theme is patience, which I’ve defined as, a willingness to pursue ideas At A Puttering Pace. The intention for this space is to illustrate the evolution of this continuous journey and perhaps kindle a spark or two.

Schalonda Mooney
Los Angeles, California